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澳门葡京博彩软件的目标是通过为所有学生提供丰富的国际和跨文化机会,为学生在全球社会中生活做好准备, from the first year to their culminating year on campus. All students have the opportunity to study, 工作, 参加研究或出国旅行,或在美国有国际导向的经验.

Global 教师-Led Experiences (FLEX)

刘易斯全球研究中心的FLEX计划计划为教师提供了设计和领导短期全球学习旅行计划(1-3周)的机会,以增强现有课程或作为冬季提供的新学分课程, spring or summer breaks. This initiative replaces the former Global Engagement Seminars. 目标是建立一系列全球体验式学习活动,可以很容易地适应部门和教师的兴趣. 项目可能在美国以外,也可能在美国有一个全球性的主题.

如有任何关于全球FLEX项目或流程的问题,请直接向 Lewis Global Studies Center.


Application deadline: Monday, April 1
Info Session: Friday, March 8 at 12:15 p.m. in Dewey Common Room

这个短期的,由教师主导的项目将考察加勒比地区文化的公共展示. It introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of the Caribbean, with specific attention to the historical, 环境, 现代存在的社会文化特征构成了加勒比的经验, and are evidenced in its popular culture.


Application deadline: mid-September
这一短期, 教师主导的项目将提供机会,了解美国印第安部落和他们与自然的关系在图森, 亚利桑那州. 该计划将通过访问社区和探索政治,在不同的尺度上关注美国印第安人的生活和环境, 文化, 经济, and 社会 activities from American Indian perspectives. 实地考察将访问该地区的印第安部落和其他社区,同时将与亚利桑那大学人类学学院的澳门葡京博彩软件举行研讨会. 

学生 may apply for a Global FLEX program online using Smith International Travel Experiences System (网站). 客座学生 can create a profile and log into SITES 在这里. 进入“站点”后,进入“搜索程序”,使用关键字“FLEX”找到当前程序.

  1. 最初的实地考察,计划项目并选择当地的项目供应商, usually the year prior to the planned program. 教师可能会被要求从CFCD或部门基金中寻求额外的支持.
  2. 新项目可获得1500美元的一次性项目发展津贴.
  3. A faculty stipend of $2,000 /周, for a maximum program length of three weeks, 计划, 设计, leading and reporting on the travel program.
  4. Flight, accommodations and meals for the traveling faculty member.
  5. Partial coverage of student expenses based on financial need status. 学生 will be expected to pay for some portion of their program fees, and any related visa, immunization or other travel expenses.

  1. 优先资助是为计划在至少两个场合提供的项目, 日历年的时间取决于每年提供的旅行次数. Funding beyond two trips will need to be supported from other sources.
  2. 教师必须参加每年提供的风险管理研讨会和培训.  Additional pre-departure risk assessment meetings will also be required.
  3. 在大多数情况下,后勤将由当地承包商或机构提供支持. 服务合同和/或谅解备忘录将由教师和当地承包商与刘易斯中心协调准备.
  4. 项目需要包括专业的学生事务支持,以协助后勤和处理项目期间学生的健康和安全问题.
  5. 教师将撰写一份简短的报告,并附上文件(如照片和学生作业),以供捐赠报告使用, to be submitted within 90 days of the end of the program.
  6. 学生将完成评估,并在项目结束时向捐赠者提交感谢信.

Course enhancement proposals will require Lewis Global Studies Center and Committee on 出国留学 (CSA) approval; proposals requesting a new course designation and credit will also need to be submitted to the Committee on Academic 优先级 (CAP). 这个过程可能需要6-10周,具体取决于收到初始提案的时间.

  1. 提案最初提交给刘易斯中心主任进行审查和确定可行性.
  2. Based on initial review and requests for additional information, proposals are subsequently forwarded to CSA for study abroad approval.
  3. Proposals that request a new credited course (typically 2 credits), and supported by the Lewis Center and CSA, are submitted to CAP for final consideration and course approval.

会议 & 事件

Celebrating Collaborations

一年一度的 Celebrating Collaborations: 学生 and 教师 Working Together 会议展示和庆祝澳门葡京博彩软件学生的学术工作. 学生 present the results of their senior theses, independent study projects, research seminars and other creative 工作 as part of oral sessions, 面板, 海报会议, exhibits and performances. 项目的发展是由于与卡恩文科学院或实践协会的联系, 例如, and fall into categories ranging from science and technology, 社会, 文化 and literary studies to the performing arts.

Smith in the World Conference

一年一度的 Smith in the World Conference 探讨正规课堂教育与校外项目学习之间的关系, such as 实践 internships, study abroad and community service.

Projects for Peace

澳门葡京博彩软件的本科生被邀请参加联合世界大学澳门葡京博彩软件计划 Projects for Peace. The project encourages student initiative, innovation and entrepreneurship focusing on conflict prevention, resolution and reconciliation for a sustainable peace. The program is intended to be worldwide in scope and impact, but specific projects may be undertaken anyw在这里, including in the United States. The most promising project will be awarded $10,000 for implementation.

看到 past projects and proposals.


Projects for Peace is funded by the 戴维斯 family to honor 凯瑟琳·W. 戴维斯这位终身国际主义者和慈善家于2013年4月去世,享年106岁. 凯瑟琳·戴维斯(Kathryn 戴维斯)认为,今天的年轻人——明天的领导者——应该接受挑战,形成并检验他们自己的想法.


All Smith undergraduates are eligible to apply for this award. 学生 may apply individually or in groups. 在毕业后的夏季完成课程的高年级学生有资格获得该奖项. Projects must be undertaken during the summer of the awarded grant.

Final Proposal Deadline
Friday, December 9, 2024

Final Proposal Decision

Proposal Requirements
请参阅 指导 webpage for proposal requirements and instructions. 

All submissions must be sent electronically to, to the attention of:

澳门葡京博彩软件 100 Projects for Peace Committee 
Lewis Global Studies Center

Final decisions on all winning proposals will be announced in March. Acceptances are due shortly t在这里after. 补助金将在收到所有协议后不久支付. 

Due: September 9, 2023 to the LGSC office.

Each funded project must submit a final report. 请参阅 Final Reflection section of the 指导 webpage for requirements. 

Funding Global Experiences

The 奖学金 Office, 国际研究办公室和拉撒路职业发展中心建议学生和校友申请国际奖学金(如罗德奖学金), 马歇尔, 米切尔, 富布赖特, Luce and NSEP) and for international internships and jobs. 此外,国际研究办公室为国际经验分配资金.

Academic departments typically provide links to opportunities for research and grants for funding; be sure to check the department's website and connect with your academic adviser to see what's available.